Thursday, September 24, 2020

"Dancing with the Stars" 2020 Nite 2 Recap Part 2

Chrishelle & Gleb


Her story was compelling, and she was brave to tell it. Her Rumba was very strong, powerful, sexy, a little fast, but good hip action. She looked stunning in that purple dress, and she and Gleb were H-O-T. Quite a fiery Rumba; I was impressed.  

Carrie Ann - deep connection

Derek - so confident, passionate

Bruno - bombshell; I'm impressed

Scores: 6,6,6,                My score: 7

Charles & Emma

Cha Cha

Does he have hips? If he has them, does he know how to use them? Do they move at all? Still, I love his positive attitude. He did have more energy this week, but I really didn't see any Cha Cha from him. I got excited at the beginning of the routine, and that it was going to be much better than last week, but alas, I was wrong. 

Derek - timing was better

Bruno - thank you for the chili

Carrie Ann - watch your focus

Scores: 5,5,5            My score: 5

Jesse & Sharna


At times I thought his frame was good and at times I thought it was a train wreck. I wasn't loving the Saturday Night Fever outfit on him either. But he does have good chemistry with Sharna. I still see potential here. Maybe.

Bruno - watch your bum and posture

Carrie Ann - I disagree

Derek - good job

Scores: 7,7,6            My score: 6

Jeannie & Brandon

Cha Cha

OMG her mom! Is she serious? Sometimes the camera is too far away with these dances! So irritating! I miss her tricks from last week, but it was a good Cha Cha. Not outstanding, not especially memorable unfortunately. But she is still sassy, cute, and fun to watch. 

Carrie Ann - what an improvement

Derek - I like your energy

Bruno - sexy and sparkling

Scores: 6,6,6            My score: 6

Carole & Pasha

Viennese Waltz

Oh Jeez, another tiger-themed song?! And with that over-the-top, Marie Antoinette-inspired set? How are we supposed to take her seriously? Having said that, it wasn't a terrible Viennese Waltz. It was simple, generic, unremarkable except for the song and set, but it wasn't a train wreck like last week. 

Derek - big improvement

Bruno - performance was shining

Carrie Ann - I liked it

Scores: 6,5,5            My score: 5

Vernon & Peta

Paso Doble

I love the music tonight!! I liked the attack of the dance, and he had some nice shapes, but he was also a little all over the place - at times too wild, sometimes too robotic - so it was uneven, but exciting at times. 

Bruno - new bull on the block

Derek - work on shaping

Carrie Ann - you corrected yourself

Scores: 6,6,6            My score: 6

Kaitlynne & Artem


If her ankle was hurting, she didn't let on - The show must go on, and she did! That was a beautiful dance - lovely musicality, gorgeous rise and fall, great movement across the floor, wonderful turns. I loved it!

Carrie Ann - beautiful, elegant

Derek - graceful, effortless

Bruno - quality of movement

Scores - 7,8,7            My score: 7 (almost an 8!)

Bottom 2:

Carole & Pasha and Charles & Emma

Charles & Emma were eliminated

It was the right bottom 2, and I think the judges made the right decision. 

In summary, I'm happy that the show is back, but I hope the producers can work on the pace. The dances are very short, and the judges comments and scores are exceedingly rushed. Tyra is constantly telling them to hurry up, that the show is running behind. I know there are a lot of dancers this season, so hopefully as some are eliminated the pace won't be so hectic. And please work on the camera angles too!


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