Tuesday, September 15, 2020

"Living Under the Threat" - Milestone

Yesterday was an unfortunate anniversary. On September 14th, 2020, I passed the 6-month time frame of being in isolation. I have been at home since March 14th. I never thought this would be my life, but I know pretty much everyone feels this way during the pandemic . And I know I have so much to be grateful for. I have a place to live, a job, food and medical care. I have everything I need at home. I know many people right now are not as lucky as I am .

And as I've said before, there are advantages to working from home. My commute is amazing. I have the ability to get more sleep, exercise more, and eat better. I also have more time to read, to play games, and to do other things that I enjoy.

But the isolation is terrible. I have spent too much of my life having to stay home because of illness. Now luckily, I am not sick, but I still have to stay home to protect myself. The last few years have been wonderful for me. My health has improved, and I have been able to do things I didn't dream of, like going out of town on weekends, and even occasionally going out on weeknights to concerts or book clubs. I want my life back. Actually, I would love to have a mix of my old life and new life.

I am surviving by reminding myself that this situation is not forever. There will be a vaccine eventually, and doctors are working on treatments as well. I believe that life will get back to some kind of normal at some point. That is what we all have to focus on.

Until then, I will keep busy with work and activities that I enjoy at home. I will find contentment and some measure of joy until I am able to resume the life that I had.


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