Sunday, July 28, 2024

Big Brother Season 26 7/25/24 Episode - SPOILERS!

I did not want Matt to go.
I didn't want Angela to have that satisfaction. 

But I do understand that he was a big threat to win, so it made sense to take him out.

I just hope that was the motive, not that the majority of the houseguests were siding with Angela.

I still think she's toast.
No one will work with her after her tirades. Hopefully Kenny takes her out. 

I don't hate Angela. Not everyone is suited to play this game. 

From what I see, Matt is a good guy. His speech to the houseguests and his interview with Julie were heartfelt, respectful, mature, eloquent. He did not deserve what happened to him. Period.

At the same time, I like Kenny and Kimo, so I didn't want them to go either.

Finally, what the hell was Joseph doing after he cast his vote? His flirting with the mirror, or whatever that was, was amusing for a second and then got weird. He almost missed the vote reveal! Dude, that was awkward.


Thursday, July 25, 2024

Big Brother Season 26, 7/24/24 Episode - SPOILERS!!!


BB fans - Whew! - The drama is starting EARLY y'all!

That was uncomfortable!

I feel so bad for Matt. 

He was playing the game. He did not verbally assault Angela. 

Angela was playing too hard, and got hella paranoid. Lack of sleep, the lights, the noise, her constant surveillance, alone in the HOH room - all of that has taken a toll.  

Houseguests can be rehabilitated, but when you snap as badly as she did - I don't think anyone will want to work with her now. 

Some people are just not able to handle the pressure cooker of the BB house. 

I'm not saying I'm a huge fan of Matt's, but I hope he can keep his cool and weather Storm Angela. Let the crazy train chug on by. Don't give her any ammunition to use against you. 

Buckle up BB fans!
