Tuesday, March 05, 2024

Realistic Health Goals

I watched a good webinar today about setting realistic health goals. 

Emphasis on "realistic"

Especially at the beginning of the year, many people have resolutions, or goals they want to accomplish. 

A big reason for falling short is that the goals are too ambitious. 

Or you have too many goals. 

Or both. 

I'm realizing that my goals are often unrealistic. 

I am trying to cram too much into each day. 

And then when I don't accomplish my to-do list, I am disappointed. 

I am learning to celebrate what I am able to do and not fixate on what I didn't do. 

So here are three goals I have, and how I am going to make them more realistic:

Goal number one: Drink 40 ounces of liquid every day

How to make that goal realistic: Try for at least 32 ounces at least twice per week for now. 

Goal number two: Be in bed by 10:30

How to make that goal realistic: Be in bed by 10:30 on two nights per week for now.

Goal number three: Eat lots of healthy food

How to make that goal realistic: Strive for at least three healthy foods / beverages per day. 

Celebrate the accomplishments.

And give yourself grace if you don't quite get there. 


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