Tuesday, March 05, 2024

Day Five: A Month of Birthday Gratitude

From transportation to...straws

Yup. I'm grateful for straws.

 Dysphagia is the medical term for trouble swallowing. 

I have difficulty swallowing liquids more than food. 

It was bad enough for awhile that I had used a thickening agent in my drinks and soups. 

Now I mainly struggle when I'm sick, or when I'm tired.

I swallow better when I use a straw.

Caveat: A swallow expert will likely tell you it's better not to use a straw. 

This is what works for me.

I don't like using plastic straws, so I have silicone ones. 

They are dishwasher safe and come with silicone cases so I can use them at home and on the go. 

I coined a new term today - fluid hygiene.

Like sleep hygiene. 

I have terrible fluid hygiene. 

I am chronically dehydrated.

Too often I wait until the end of the day to drink, when I'm tired and swallowing is more difficult. 

Then I have to pee really bad in the morning. 

So I need to put these straws that I am so grateful for in use more often.

Fluid hygiene - does that sound like an innuendo? 

Not my intention. :)


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