Sunday, February 19, 2023

Foods that Improve Circulation - Article and How Am I Doing?

How am I doing?

Terrible :(

I only eat three of the foods regularly - fish, tomatoes and berries

I eat garlic and onion, but mostly in powder form. I don't know if that counts. 

I am trying to eat more leafy greens and walnuts, but I don't eat them consistently yet. 

The article also mentions lifestyle aspects that can help with circulation:

no smoking - I never have

exercise - I do some every day

maintain a healthy weight - I'm underweight, so I'm not at a healthy weight.

follow a healthy diet - I'm trying! :)

stay hydrated - still failing here

reduce stress - trying every day

So what grade would you give me? 

I would say between a "C" and a "C-"



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