Sunday, November 04, 2018

30 Days of Gratefulness - Day 4 - food

What food am I grateful for?

It is not hyperbole for me to say I'm simply grateful that I can eat. I endured two difficult times in my life: when I was a teenager I couldn't chew properly for a few years, and as an adult I had swallowing problems for a few months. I still have to be careful about what I eat. No tough meats. No popcorn or foods that might scratch my throat. When I'm tired, stressed, or sick, I can still struggle with swallowing.

I'm not always comfortable eating in public, but I enjoy eating. I do not take it for granted. For much of my life I've been a rather picky and non-adventurous eater. But as I get older I'm more willing to try new foods.

At heart I'm a meat and potatoes girl, and by meat I mean chicken. I eat very little red meat. I also like fish and turkey. And since my roommate is a vegetarian, I've added tofu and vege burgers to my food repertoire.

Eating is a wonderful experience and I do not take it for granted.


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