Thursday, August 09, 2018

My Favorite Color and Why

Anyone who knows me even slightly is likely aware what my favorite color is. I think most people have a favorite color, but I don't think everyone is as attached to their favorite color as I am. I am a pink person, specifically pale, pastel pink. I like darker shades of pink too, but light pink is absolutely my go-to color.

I have been this way most of my life, and my extreme affection for the color has not waned as I age. I think some children grow out of the their pink fascination as they mature, but that has not happened to me. I see something pink - I want it. It can be almost anything: shirts, t-shirts, shoes, socks, pens, journals, note cards, stuffed animals, watches, jewelry, phone cases, purses, etc.

Interestingly, though, my room is not decorated in pink. I'm not sure why. I wouldn't be opposed to a pink bedspread and pink sheets, but I have had the same comforter for many years now, and it is green, blue, and yellow. It reminds me of the Texas bluebonnets. Maybe I'm afraid it will be pink overload if I have a pink bedroom too. My bathroom is not decorated in pink either. But I have a plethora of pink items that I mentioned above - t-shirts, pens, journals, note cards, purses, etc. I  have a pink laptop, and a pink Nook cover. My Kindle cover has pink in it. The list goes on.

I have more than ten t-shirts, probably at least seven short-sleeve and about five long-sleeve shirts, plus a sweater set, three sweaters, and three sweatshirts, all in various shades of pink. This doesn't include t-shirts, shirts, and sweatshirts that have pink in them, but aren't the dominant color. I lamented when I had to get rid of a pink sweater set and two pink shirts because they were too old to wear.

Story #1
"That pink shirt has a hole in it," my friends said, "Throw it out."
"It's a very small hole, and my hair covers it up." I argued.
"Throw it out!" they ordered.
I did so, very reluctantly.

Story #2
Mom and I were in Walmart.
"A pink purse!" I exclaimed. "It's so cute!"
"Are you going to buy it?" Mom asked.
"No," I answered resolutely. "I already have three pink purses. I don't need another."
I didn't buy the purse.
But I totally wanted to. 

I simply gravitate toward that color. I see it, and it makes me happy. I wear it, and it makes me happy.

I am tickled pink when I wear or use or carry something pink.

"Pink is my signature color" - Shelby, "Steel Magnolias"


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