Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Changes in Food Preferences

I think it's interesting how our favorite and hated foods can change during our lifetime. Foods that we disliked when we were younger can become our go-to foods when we're older. At the same time, some foods that turn our stomachs can stay with us for a lifetime.

My five most hated foods are (in no particular order):
brussel sprouts
stewed okra and tomatoes

Those have not changed during my life. I have always intensely disliked those foods. But when I was younger, I didn't like tomatoes, or avocados, and now those are two of my favorite foods. I also didn't care for black olives, but now I do.

Also when I was younger, I didn't like for different foods to touch each other. I would tend to eat all of one food on my plate, then all of another. I didn't like the taste of different flavors in my mouth. But now I really enjoy that. On Sunday nights my roommate and I have a friend over to watch tv, and we usually make tacos for dinner. My roommate and our friend are vegetarians, so often our friend will bring fake meat crumbles to fry up and add to the tacos. I'll fill a bowl with fake meat crumbles, refried beans, shredded lettuce, diced tomatoes, avocado chunks, black olives, corn, and shredded cheese. Now I savor the various ingredients mixing in my mouth. Y-U-M! It all tastes so good together!

To a certain extent I'm still a picky eater, but much less so than I used to be. I'm happy about that. I still have difficulty tolerating spicy food, and I haven't delved into stuff like Thai or Vietnamese food. But I have become a fan of Mediterranean, Ethiopian, and some Indian food.


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