Thursday, July 18, 2013

Big Brother July 14th and 17th

"I am sincere in my apology to Candice to the point that she needs to know that she took my comment wrong."

That was, of course, Aaryn's "apology" to Candice on Sunday night's show. And by "apology," I mean "accusation." That is not an apology, even though the word apology is in the sentence. So is the word sincere. Aaryn evidently doesn't know the meaning of either one.

I am very pleased with the three nominees, and I will celebrate when any one of them walks out the door tonight. The only way I would be happier would be if it was the evil trio up there: Aaryn, Kaitlin, and GinaMarie.

I hope its either Jeremy or Aaryn that goes, but I have no love for Spencer either. Actually, I do like Howard, so I'm glad Elissa didn't put him on the block. I know he lied and denied and all that, but I believe he's a stand up guy. He took the high road when Aaryn and GinaMaria were bullying Candice, and helped Candice do the same. I think Howard prevented a physical altercation between GinaMarie and Candice. And even though GinaMaria started it by getting in Candice's face, they both could have been ejected, depending on what transpired.


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